The view from the other side of town is not always one that will shared with your particular point of view but that doesn't mean that the two view are incompatible, contentious, or polar opposites. It's just a different perspective, one that may either be more deeply rooted than the one you may wish to dismiss. One that has a direct personal history as opposed to the casual observations made in passing. One that may have a greater appreciation for something though at the same time admiring from a greater distance.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
The view from the other side of town is not always one that will shared with your particular point of view but that doesn't mean that the two view are incompatible, contentious, or polar opposites. It's just a different perspective, one that may either be more deeply rooted than the one you may wish to dismiss. One that has a direct personal history as opposed to the casual observations made in passing. One that may have a greater appreciation for something though at the same time admiring from a greater distance.